Oil Analysis Report Interpretation

Turn oil analysis data into decisions

Learn a systematic approach to translating oil analysis reports into actionable maintenance decisions. You will learn how to select the right tests for measuring the right data points for specific processes, environments and machine conditions. The course also touches on achieving accurate and consistent data collection, removing data noise to accurately identify false results, elemental analysis interpretation, interpreting metallurgical composition combinations to identify wear modes, setting key performance indicators (KPIs) and alarm limits.

OARI Course Overview


Per student*

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Oil Analysis Report Interpretation

What you’ll learn

  • Using trend report results to identify potential lubricant failures
  • Identifying machine wear and failure modes from report data
  • Determining when to change, clean or restore lubricant properties
  • Selecting the right tests for collecting meaningful data on in-service lubricants
  • Identifying a quality lab based upon key standards
  • Interpreting results for determining base oil and additive health
  • Identifying contaminants, lubricant failure modes and root causes of machine wear

Learn from expert instructors

Gain valuable knowledge from these industry experts

Every year, industrial plants pay millions of dollars for commercial laboratories to perform analysis on used and new oil samples. Unfortunately, most of the plant personnel who receive these lab reports do not have the knowledge to get the full value of these reports. Anyone who wants to mine oil analysis data to make better maintenance, reliability, or engineering decisions can benefit from this course.

Job Title or Role

Top Benefit

PdM Technician Make better PdM decisions related to lubrication
Reliability Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, Reliability Manager, Maintenance Manager Learn to use oil analysis data to drive reliability

Contact a Noria expert today

Frequently asked questions

What is check-in time for in-person training?

We ask that students check in on the first day of training (Tuesday) from 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. (based on local time at event)

How long does a day of training last?

A day of training typically begins at 8:00 a.m. and continues until 4:00 p.m. with an hour break for lunch.

Are food and beverages provided at in-person training events?

Complimentary fresh-brewed coffee will be available throughout the day, but students are responsible for their own food and drinks otherwise.

Is audio or video recording allowed during training?

No, please do not record audio or video of training course content.

Is parking included with registration for in-person training events?

No, parking fees are not included.